Why do women have orgasms?
Since men must ejaculate in order to release sperm, there is a direct link between pleasure and ejaculation. The purpose of the female orgasm, however, is less clear. Researchers have proposed numerous theories, none of which have conclusive scientific support.
In fact, it must be kept in mind that not everything the body does has a definite purpose. There are still traits in humans that have no evolutionary benefit. Backed by research conducted in 2016, reliable sources were able to shed light on why women orgasm. What they found is that there is no obvious evolutionary advantage to female orgasm and that the hormones associated with orgasm may be a relic from a time when they were necessary for female ovulation.
Because there was no evolutionary need to eliminate orgasm, the female orgasm survived even when it was no longer necessary for conception. But the mere fact that it brings pleasure already seems like a significant enough benefit, in my opinion. Moreover, orgasm promotes bonding with sexual partners, an important evolutionary benefit.